Bedabrat Bharali on Saturday became the first Indian man to win a gold medal in the Weightlifting Youth World Championships.

At the tournament, held in Lima, Peru, 17-year-old Bharali lifted 136kg in snatch and 160kg in clean and jerk for a gold-medal winning total lift of 296kg in the men’s 73kg event. Bharali’s lift was 12kg more than what silver medallist Ryan McDonald of the United States lifted, and 13kg more than what Ukrainian Serhii Kotelevskyi managed.

Sairaj Pardeshi won bronze in the snatch category in the men’s 81kg category. However, Pardeshi missed out on an overall bronze medal by one kg, having lifted 300kg total compared to the 301kg lifted by bronze medal winner Dawid Liziak of Poland.

India have won 15 medals so far in Lima including six gold, three silver and six bronze medals.